APCV 2024 SG
The 16th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision
The Asia Pacific Conference on Vision is returning!
Dear vision science community,
We are excited that APCV will be returning after a five-year hiatus. The aim of the conference is to facilitate discussion on vision research in Asia and the Pacific. Participants from all over the world are welcome.
Vision research centers on sight, on how humans and others transform light into perception, thought, and action. By its nature, vision research is widely interdisciplinary, involving aspects of psychology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, medicine, philosophy, and visual art.
Conference topics will include, but are not limited to:
- Visual psychophysics
- Visual neuroscience
- Perception and attention
- Eye movements
- Visual cognition
- Social perception
- Face and object perception
- Computational vision
- Artificial / computer vision
- Art and visual science
- Multisensory integration
- Reading and word recognition
- Visual memory
- Visual development
- Decisions and action
The conference program will consist of keynote lectures, symposia, talks, and posters. We invite original works on all aspects of vision science research.
We look forward to seeing you in Singapore!
The APCV 2024 organizing committee
Organizing committee
Special thanks
- Stuart Derbyshire
- Chua Yun Da
- Kwek Siong Peng
- David Anghel
- Sundarimaa Erdembileg
- Joanne Roberts
- Alyson Rozells
- Cole Lim
- Freya Lalani
- Kasthuri Vello & team
- Md Shafei Bin Seri & team
- Paul Tan & team
- Poonam Rai
- Noor Julihaty
- Phoebe Koh
- Garik Asplund
- Peiyan Wong
Abstract reviewers
- Colin Palmer
- Camilo Libedinsky
- Mengmi Zhang
- Christopher L. Asplund
- David Anghel
- Jing Wen Chai
- Yun Da Chua
- Shui'Er Han
- Jing Jie
- Siong Peng Kwek
- En-Lin Leong
- Takashi Obana
- Yang Shen
- Evangelos Sigalas
- Nicholas Tan
- Bo Wang
- Xu Wu
- Nicholas Tan
- Yi Xuan Yan
- Barbara Chemurgor
- Rebecca Min
- Elaine Wang
- Yoong Hun Ong
- Minxuan Duan
- Yanhao Jia
- Shaun Jin Lee
- Titus Hutch
- Thanaporn Limmanee
- Shuangpeng Han
- Bo Wang
- Shruthi Kumar
- Yang Shen
- Xu Wu
- Qing Lin
- Bryan Arista Kiely
- Mingzhong Sun
- Shuyi Sun
- Cameron Mavericks Choo